
The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan: The perfect book for China. A mother – daughter story told from the views of four Chinese born mothers and their American born daughters. There were a lot of cultural differences between these mothers and daughters; and just because a mother wanted something for her daughter, didn’t mean the daughter was in agreeing with it. Very fitting since I am still traveling in China but it also reminded me of my relationship with my mother and we don’t have any cultural differences.

Accidentally On Purpose by L.D. Davis: DNF! The first book in a very long time that I didn’t finish. But it was just too much of a time waster. The two protagonists are cheating on their respective partners to keep up a relationship that makes no sense to anyone except the author. Forgettable nonsense. (Am actually wondering where I got it. Maybe free on Amazon?)

Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote: I have seen the film years ago and can’t remember much more from it except Audrey Hepburn wearing huge sunglasses. The book now is a different matter especially since Holly is a blonde. Written from the perspective of her neighbor, the poor and so far unsuccessful writer ‘Fred’. Hugely entertaining and enjoyable, Holly is like a whirlwind for everyone involved with her. Love it when a classic turns out to be a great book.

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Díaz: A family story from the Dominican Republic over three generations during the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo. Shame on me that I didn’t even know that the DR had a dictator especially after I just finished the trilogy about the other half of this island. Unbelievable things happened during Trujillo’s time but what a way to put it into a story. Oscar might not be a relatable character but sooner or later you start to root for him.

2 thoughts on “Books

  1. Danke für die Buchempfehlungen, gerade am Weg ins Büchergeschäft meines Vertrauens und völlig planlos, was ich im Urlaub lesen könnte. Perfektes timing! Enjoy China and take care!


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