Friday night in Berlin

Riding the metro in Berlin is great, so we started the evening program with a metro ride from Berlin Mitte to Schöneberg where the Lindemanns Hotel was, only to get changed and to meet an hour later to ride back again to Berlin Mitte. At least on the way back Christina and Sophie had some ‘fuel’.IMG_9978

We had a reservation at Dudu (thanks Christina!!!), apparently immensely popular and correctly so. The food was amazing, but the place was packed, the seating was extremely crowded, super dark and loud (here we go again with the saying: ‘If the music is too loud, you’re too old’. But also our spring chickens felt it was loud. So…).IMG_9986IMG_9988IMG_9992

We ordered the choice of rolls menu for the four of us and the food was way better than it looks on the picture. Plus the restaurant had some Austrian wine which we shared. At 10pm sharp we had to leave and due to the fact that you share your table, we acquired some ‘hobbits’. With them we went to the Fleischerei. You enter the shop and go to the back where you ring a bell in phone booth. Then a little window opens in the door and out looks a waitress who brings you to your table. Absolutely amazing! For the G&T drinkers among you: at least 10 different gins are available with different tonics. All well explained by a very helpful girl. That I ordered one that tasted a bit bland was definitely not her fault.

From there we went to Crackers, the club recommendation we got from the actor. As it turned out the kitchen was waiting for us although the reservation was for 11pm (do people really eat that late?). The place looked great, but was not a club at all. Rather a restaurant with a bar. Looked very stylish and prices were on the steep side but far from dancing and partying. Nevertheless we ordered dessert and had a chocolate cake and a rice pudding. Both were bland, still no pictures though. Would probably have been to dark anyway. But have two pictures from the place itself.IMG_9993IMG_9994

Since Crackers was a disappointment we followed the lead of the ‘hobbits’ and went to their club of choice. The Bravo Bar was certainly a club but not exactly our kind of place. Anyway, we stayed for a beer then hopped in a cab, the ‘hobbits’ still hopeful and tagging along. Next stop was Watergate, a real club this time which was also noticeable by the line-up in front. No line-up for us though, too tired and too old. We stayed in the cab while the ‘hobbits’ realized that nothing would happen for them. At least not with ‘our’ girls. So they got off while we drove back to Schöneberg.

And because we were hungry after such a long night out, we made one last stop before going to bed. Pascha Grill was located right across the street from our hotel. The night before we paid it a short visit to get something to drink and noticed that the place was packed. And that everything looked delicious. So instead of eating the obligatory sausage as we would have done in Vienna, we had some Adana kebap and kofta.IMG_9997IMG_9998

And that’s the depressing look of Pascha Grill the next morning.
Yours, PollybertIMG_9999

Ireland at its best

Upon our arrival in the village of Howth again we were walking towards the church when Andrea noticed a small delicatessen shop and right away made a detour.IMG_8542The shop was indeed a treasure trove of all things Irish; all three of us fell upon the products like starving maniacs (which we were) and bought an armful of delicacies. But these delicacies are now in my home and already on Monday night I tried the first of three different cheeses. And I can’t wait for Christmas to eat the pudding with brandy butter!

With full bags we entered this old-looking church which we had seen from above and were astonished to see it carpeted and heated inside. That makes for some cozy church going.Handy 747

Just half a block down from the store was a restaurant that looked inviting right away. After a peek at the menu we settled on this one. Maybe our experience from the morning when we walked for a while and couldn’t settle on anything, finally ending up in café with almost nothing to eat, taught us something? And you know what? It was the perfect place!

With The House we picked a distinguished restaurant that has been successful for years. Something you can see right away when you enter.IMG_8544IMG_8545IMG_8555

While Franz and I studied the menu, Andrea found us an Austrian wine to drink. It can’t get better than this. The Loimer “Lois” Kamptal went excellent with the fresh seafood and fish we ordered. When looking at the pictures now, I am not sure if Franz got asked but Andrea looks perfectly happy with her choice.IMG_8543IMG_8546

From the first I tended to the mussels and Andrea to the seafood chowder while Franz was undecided; in the end he settled for another Irish breakfast which looked delicious. Actually everything we ordered at this place not just looked delicious but also tasted so!IMG_8547IMG_8548IMG_8549IMG_8550
This was the best Irish meal we had so far. And although we were all happy and full we glanced at the dessert menu and of course we found something to try. Andrea and I wanted the sticky toffee pudding with butterscotch sauce and Franz tried an apple crumble.


I forgot to take the pictures right away. Both dishes looked so yummy that we had to dig in first. After coffee and a digestive we felt ready to face the road again. If you are ever in the area, go and see this place.IMG_8554IMG_8558

The road was not so long anymore but we still wanted to see the light house. And it gets dark very early here in November. Around 4:30 already I would guess. And since we wanted to take some more pictures, we had to hurry. As you can see when we came back to the harbor it was low water.IMG_8564IMG_8570IMG_8571IMG_8566

And then it was already time to say goodbye to Howth and take the DART back to Dublin.IMG_8576

On the way back we had already figured out how the train system worked and got off at Pearse station which was near Trinity College. While being there the day before we saw some things we wanted to buy at the Book of Kells store. Why we didn’t do that, I really don’t know. Point is, we went back and then the store was already closed for the day. So something else for us to do on Sunday. By now we were dead tired and all I wanted to do was to lie down for an hour. Perfect plan for everyone, we did just that and decided to regroup at 8pm again.

When we met later nobody was hungry, so dinner was out of the question. Since it was Saturday night what better to do than go for a beer. And the Temple Bar district seemed like the place to be for us. Off we went in search of a good bar and got almost slain by the amount of people crowding the streets, the bars and pubs in the area. There was not one place we wanted to enter. We finally went into The Auld Dubliner, a place that had been recommended to me. Two steps inside we turned around on our heels and walked back outside. We had entered right next to the musician and I thought my ear drum had blown. Around the corner was another entrance where we tried again. Franz walked right out again while Andrea and I braved the masses and the noise and got us some beer. Guinness again for all of us, what an amazing beer!

With the beer in hand we took up place in front of the bar where all the smokers met. It couldn’t have been a better place to check out the locals. I love people watching and eavesdropping on conversations especially when a guy tries to land a girl. And if said guy is drunk and the girl sober, all the more hilarious. Really has a lot of comic appeal.

But this fun keeps you warm only so long and after a while we decided to head to a warmer place. We ended up at F. X. Buckley, a steakhouse with a bar on top which had the added advantage of being right around the corner from our hotel. No more beer for us though, we had moved on the G&T. I really like how the storeroom was incorporated in the bar.IMG_8582IMG_8583

Some of you might know this feeling that when you stay out long enough, eventually you get hungry again. So what should I tell you, this happens to the best of us. Such a convenience that next door was a take away Indian place called Siri. We headed there for a late night snack and were surprised how good it tasted!IMG_8586

Sure enough we were up for a night-cap again. Since it was our last night in Dublin there was no point in going to bed early. In regards to the hour we expected our bar to be quiet, but far from it. The place was packed and jamming. Someone had his 65th birthday party in there and the dance floor was rocking. So what were we to do than dance as well and enjoy the party?
Yours, Pollybert